Crossbeam Tech Ecosystem Maturity Diagnostic

The Tech Ecosystem Maturity Diagnostic

Answer 14 multiple-choice questions and receive your maturity level along with custom-tailored resources and next steps. 

Begin the Diagnostic 👇


“I’ve built Tech Partner Programs for a good piece of my career — your maturity model is the best representation I’ve seen.”  â€” Rachel Collie, Unanet


The 4 Phases of Tech Ecosystem Maturity:

Level 1: Explorer

Level 2: Producer

Level 3: Connector

Level 4: Supernode


At this level, you’re taking stock of what’s needed and what’s possible in order to set yourself up for future success. Ambiguity and experimentation are normal.



At this level, you’re taking stock of what’s needed and what’s possible in order to set yourself up for future success. Ambiguity and experimentation are normal.


You’ve built a foundation, you’ve started executing a few partnership motions, and your work is beginning to benefit the business.



You’ve built a foundation, you’ve started executing a few partnership motions, and your work is beginning to benefit the business.


Your sales team is leveraging your partner data, your product team is supporting your integrations, and everyone from the c-suite on down sees your program as an essential part of the business.



Your sales team is leveraging your partner data, your product team is supporting your integrations, and everyone from the c-suite on down sees your program as an essential part of the business.


The holy grail of partnerships. Your sales reps incorporate partners in their deals by default, and other partners see your company as a reliable, trust-worthy co-selling partner. Partnerships are in the DNA of every department, not just the partnerships team.



The holy grail of partnerships. Your sales reps incorporate partners in their deals by default, and other partners see your company as a reliable, trust-worthy co-selling partner. Partnerships are in the DNA of every department, not just the partnerships team.